The Committees Involved

  • Research Committee: responsible in particular for the promotion of scientific research, in particular through the organization of training seminars
  • Publication Assistance Committee: having as its objective the organization of research protocol discussion sessions with methodological assistance; research seminars targeting teachers from the faculty, a summer school dedicated to medical writing and communication in English and the School of Pedagogy and Research of the FMM.
  • Ethics Committee: created in 2017, with the mission of studying the research protocols submitted by the young researchers and teachers of the faculty from an ethical and deontological point of view. It is the only Tunisian ethics committee that has received international recognition (by the “US Department of health and human services (HHS) registration of Institutional Review Board (IRB)”).
  • CEC Committee : some of which are dedicated to research, such as the CEC for Clinical Research, the CEC for Health Science Research, the CEC for Artificial Intelligence, the CEC for Medical English, the CEC for Ethics Law.
  • Exercise thesis committee : responsible in particular for organizing the training cycle with 6 units to be validated for accreditation in thesis direction for young assistants (< 2 years) as well as a series of research seminars targeting doctoral students. The committee, in order to strengthen and enhance the quality of the research work carried out within the framework of the preparation of exercise theses, annually awards a thesis prize after an anonymous double-blind evaluation of all the theses proposed, in accordance with based on a pre-established grid with clear criteria and scoring.
  • English Committee : which aims in particular to strengthen communication skills for the promotion of biomedical research for both students and teachers with the organization of multiple scientific days.
  • Editorial committee : created in 2020, with the mission of improving the visibility and promoting the research work of the FMM through the publication of a scientific journal Monastir Medical Journal (, the first of which number has gathered summaries of theses defended at our faculty and proposed for thesis prizes.
  • Young Researchers Committee: created in January 2021, to be a privileged link between the students of the FMM, (FCMS1, SCMS 1,2 or 3, as well as residents of different specialties) and the teacher-researchers of our faculty and the other stakeholders and research organizations.

The main objectives of the committee are the identification of the profiles of students motivated for research and their training in ethics, methodology and the conduct of research. The committee also has the mission of strengthening the soft skills necessary in the field of research for these young talents to facilitate their initiation and integration into the research teams in place at the FMM (fundamental, clinical or action research and scientific innovation). ) via effective participation in ongoing projects and their support during the implementation of research work via project management assistance.

This committee is based on the deep conviction of these actors of the increasingly central place of research in medical studies in a specific way but in the scientific world in a more general way.

A call for applications will be launched among FMM students. The identification of profiles will be established, on the basis of motivation letters, direct interviews and in collaboration with student delegates and the various student associations active at the FMM.